Under a comprehensive chain of custody, we discover electronic evidence for the legal issue in question to prosecute or defend a legal case in computer-assisted theft, computer fraud, data theft, data deletion, computer hacking, computer data manipulation, or any other electronic data legal issue.
Certified Computer Examiners (CCE)
EnCase® Certified Examiners (EnCE)
Microsoft Certified Professionals (MCP)
Oxygen Forensic Detective (OFE)
More than 18 years of experience in the computer industry recovering data from thousands of hard drives and other electronic devices. Extensive knowledge of how information is stored electronically.
We discover electronic evidence for the legal issue in question to prosecute or defend a legal case in computer-assisted theft, computer fraud, data theft, data deletion, hacking, computer data manipulation, or any other electronic data legal issue.
G2 Research has experienced engineers in courtroom preparation and testimony, and we provide comprehensive reports which invariably prove highly valuable for legal proceedings.